A Beautiful Mind: RIP Jim Carrey’s Website

8 years ago

The most amazing website in existence has passed into time like a Tibetan sand mandala. Jim Carrey's riotous and sublime…

Designer DNA: Will CRISPR-Cas 9 Create a BioHacker Revolution or a Nightmare?

8 years ago

When microbiologist Emmanuelle Charpentier and RNA expert and biochemist Jennifer Doudna met at a conference in 2011, their shared passion…

Boston Dynamics Terrifying and Astounding Handle Robot

8 years ago

One day in the future, when an engineer discovers a robot has become self aware, there is a good chance…

A Perfect Space X Landing

8 years ago

Slicing down through the clouds, riding on the power of the sun. Everytime the Falcon 9 lands, we move closer…

Peace on Earth!

8 years ago


Election 2016: Things are going to get Weird.

8 years ago

Writers and artists, by their nature, are sensitive. We spend years building up feathery radar as delicate as moth antennae…

A tougher Turing Test shows chatbots are still pretty stupid – ScienceAlert

8 years ago

An interesting article on Science alert about a more complicated Turing test... To find out just how advanced our current…

Pokémon Go! Gaming just crashed into Reality.

9 years ago

Have you looked outside lately? People are standing around staring at their phones, seeing things only they can see. People…

Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays

9 years ago

Source: Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays Here is a great…